Facebook Cover Photo : Do’s And Don’ts

When you invite users to visit your Facebook Page, you first impress them with something quite extraordinary. Wonder what we are talking about? It’s your Facebook cover photo.

Your Facebook cover photo is the foremost thing people will notice when they visit your Facebook page, and that is exactly why it is so important to make the first impression as the best possible and for the cover photo to convey exactly what you are aiming for. Though it might sound simple, we’ve found that it’s actually pretty difficult! No worries though, we are here to help you.

Though it might sound simple, we’ve found that it’s actually pretty difficult! No worries though, we are here to help you.

Let’s jump in and figure out the best ways to make the best out of your Facebook cover photo. Take a look at our list of Do’s and Don’ts for a better understanding.

Take a look at our list of Do’s and Don’ts for a better understanding.

Do: Abide By Facebook Cover Photo Guidelines

First things first, no one can see your fantastic Facebook cover image if Facebook shuts your site down because of a little Cover Photo rule breaking.

According to Facebook, the below rules play a major role:

  1. Displays at 828 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall on your Page on computers and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones.
  2. Doesn’t display on feature phones.
  3. Must be at least 399 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall.
  4. Loads fastest as an sRGB JPG file that’s 851 pixels wide, 315 pixels tall and less than 100 kilobytes.

It’s mandatory to read the above guidelines and adhere to them to prevent a violation.

Don’t: Hide Important Content Behind Your Profile Picture

Your profile picture, while important, chisels into the cover photo quite a bit. This section of the cover photo will not appear until you click on it.

According to Facebook’s Help page, on desktop computers, the profile picture is located 16 pixels from the left edge of the cover photo, and 176 pixels from the top of the cover photo.

The best practice is to plan the main subject towards the right side of the image, not competing with the profile picture on the left.

Do: Keep The Image Simple, With A Clear Focal Point

The cover photo is a great way to express yourself but also a way to stand out when people visit your page. It’s time to deliver the high-quality, visually engaging content they expect from your brand.

We recently looked into some of the components that make images shareable which turned out to be:

  • Emotion: Making people observe, leads them to take action.
  • Relevance:  Including something that fits with your audience’s interests.
  • Colors: Choosing the right colors that will lead to the most shares.
  • Typography: Choosing the correct font that will make the message crisp.
  • Hashtags and Text: Find the right words that will lead your audience to interact.

Don’t: Put Important Content On The Bottom Of Your Photo, Either

The cover image is the first image that is visible on the page, adding the important content or the key parts of the image is an advantage. The importance of the content will be notable and eye catchy the moment it is viewed.

The importance of the content will be notable and eye catchy the moment it is viewed. Therefore, position it in a place that’s clear to the user’s eye.

Do: Integrate The Cover Photo Design With Other Parts Of Your Facebook Page

You’ve probably seen individual Facebook users get their Internet fame by designing clever combinations of the cover and profile photos.

If your brand is involved in a lot of online promotion and advertising campaigns, attractive visual components are essential to involve your audience. By selecting a color palette to complement your logo, you’re killing two birds with one stone, which implies your profile looks more put-together if your posts are in pace with the cover and profile image; you can also take advantage of an already recognizable feature of your brand to further your reach. Also, the design will be attractive and reach people faster.

Don’t: Ignore Your Call-To-Action Button

Facebook recently launched a CTA or “Call-To-Action” for business pages. It doesn’t really grab your attention, but it could potentially help you to reach out to people who want to learn more about your services.

When you’re on Facebook, click the small rectangular button to the right of your profile image and Facebook will guide you to customize your text and take the customers to the requested page.

Do: Pin A Related Post Right Below Your Facebook Cover Image

Basically, pinning a post allows you to highlight a typical Facebook post on the top of your timeline for seven days.

It’s denoted by a small yellow flag on the top right of the post. That way, you’re giving people one very clear call-to-action when they arrive in your page which should help conversions.

To pin a Facebook post: Simply publish the post to Facebook, then click the downward arrow in the top-right corner of the post and choose “Pin to Top.”

So there you go. The above five guidelines gives you a holistic approach on how to frame your Facebook cover photo? If you have any queries in mind, leave them in our comment section below. Our experts will definitely get back to you.

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