Spinta Digital

9 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Run A Business WITHOUT Chatbot

Stuck with Facebook and Google Ads that generate poor quality leads that are hard to convert

There are a million people like you who are facing this issue. 99% of the businesses are craving for pre-qualified leads that are super easy to convert.

What about the remaining 1%?

They are early adopters and action takes. They know what’s gonna happen in the future. That’s why they made the smart decision of using Chatbot in Facebook Messenger.

Last year, top marketers were saying Chatbot is the future of marketing. That’s not true, they are already here and people are using it and seeing tremendous results.

Do you want to see exceptional results with chatbot and scale your business to a new height? Yes, right? Let’s do it then.

What is a Chatbot?

A chatbot is an AI-powered bot that talks and texts your customers on your behalf. In simple terms, Chatbot is a salesperson helps your customers by providing them valuable information about your products/ services.

Chatbot guides your customer in the buying journey and ultimately sells the product. Have you interacted with a Chatbot before? Not sure? I am saying you would have interacted.

You Are One Bot Away From Success

Remember seeing this:

Chatbot - Spinta Digital - Digital Marketing Agency, Chennai

This is the next obvious question you would have in your mind.

Why do I need a Chatbot? What are the benefits that I will get?

Fine. Paid ads are not working. Organic reach is dead. What are the alternatives? Personalised marketing is the future and that’s what helps us sell more.

To do that, we need a platform like Messenger where we can directly speak with our future customers.

The good part: You can automate it i.e. Do it one time, Reap the benefits for a lifetime.

Still not convinced that Chatbot can help you grow multifold? Keep reading.

1. High Quality Leads at Low Cost


The good part is Chatbot asks questions and understands human intent. By running a Facebook Messenger ad, you can direct the leads to the chatbot.

The Chatbot asks a set of questions which are already programmed. Based on each question, the Chatbot will ask personalised questions that excite the customer.

You Are One Bot Away From Success

2. Makes it easy for Customers

Customer is the king, treat him like one. Make it easy for them. Don’t trouble them by asking to call or fill out a form.

A survey revealed that 44% of people prefer texting Chatbot rather than calling or filling the form.

While chatting with a Chatbot, customers feel like speaking with a human. That’s why we strongly recommend you to use Chatbot.

3. Reduce Operational Costs

See, you want high-quality leads that are easy to convert. If your sales team is wasting time with poor quality leads, what’s the point in running a business.

You can replace 2 salespeople with one if you have a chatbot. That one person can handle high-quality leads. Sounds good?

Also, Chatbot answers customer support queries. Swiggy is using Chatbot to deal with 75% of its customer queries. No further explanation is needed.

4. Meet customer expectations every single time

Customer Satisfaction

Customers are hard to satisfy. They have so many things in mind. They are confused and frustrated. Use a Chatbot and talk sweetly with them. Let them calm down.

Friendly interactions make the conversation engaging and exciting. Prospects tend to build a rapport with your brand. This makes it easy for you to sell more.

5. 80% Open Rate

You send a mail. Nobody opens, You shut the campaign and go back to sleep.

Stop this cycle.

Use Messenger Chatbot to enjoy 80% open rates. That’s great, right? More people know you and you can sell more.

This is conversational, so the engagement rate is pretty high. Personalised experience adds more flavour to the conversation.

You Are One Bot Away From Success

6. Product recommendation

Chatbot suggests to customers what to buy. Let’s say you have an eCommerce store and you are introducing a bunch of new products.

You can blast your contacts and recommend your new products. The beauty of Chatbot is that you can segment your audience.

Send personalized recommendations to your customers at the right time. BOOM! Product sold.

7. More Sales with happy customers


You need 2 things.

     1. More sales and more revenue

      2. 100% customer satisfaction

What if I tell you can enjoy both by doing just one thing.

A Chatbot is the one thing that brings sales and offers exceptional customer service. Your chatbot has an answer to every question. Be it feature or tracking details, it does everything.

8. Segment and target

You can segment the audience based on their demographics like age, gender, etc. Once you segment, you can put them in groups.

Send laser focussed messages and entice your audience. Ignite their curiosity and hold their hands and take them to the sales page. Sell it!!

You Are One Bot Away From Success

9. Grow your list

Email marketing, Spinta Digital - Digital Marketing Agency, Chennai

More data, more success. Imagine you have 1 lakh email addresses of your target audience. How would that be? Great.

You have their details and you can sell them anything. That’s not the end. You can collect more details from prospects, for example, where they are from, what they like, what they don’t like.

With this information, you can create a personalised offer to keep them with you forever. Get more contact and more information, sell like anything.

Final Thoughts

Now you know what a Chatbot can do to your business.

  • Increases sales,
  • Reduces costs,
  • Takes care of support.
  • And more

All you need is a Chatbot that changes your business FOREVER.

Need a Chatbot to get more sales and automate your business growth. We can do it for you.

You know, why we are confident? We are having Chatbots and enjoying tremendous results.

Build a Chatbot and Skyrocket your business.

You Are One Bot Away From Success


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