7 Ways Social Media Measurement Improves Your Marketing Strategy

Social media measurement of your brand is as important as strategic planning, designing and campaigning. Although there are plenty of social media tools available online, it is important to understand the objective, approach, depth, metric, measurement statistics and reports to make optimal use of the tool. These tools are imperative and can help you improve your marketing strategy in the following ways.

1. Know Your Audience

A good knowledge about who is following you is much more important than your number of followers. It’s critical to know about your audience demographics as it allows you to answer questions like:

  • What is the age of my average follower?
  • Who are mostly my followers? Men or Women?
  • Where are my followers from?

By answering these questions you can tailor your messages to your audience. Also, your social media following is a pretty good indicator of your customer base. The data you collect can be used to create new services and products which target a specific demographic or customer avatar.

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2. Create & Share Better Content

You must always remember that in SEO “content is king”. This is crucial for social media marketing as well. If the content that you’re posting isn’t great, then it resonates with your audience, and you’ll end up having a rough time generating results.

Measuring the social media engagement of each post is one of the most important metrics that you need to keep track off. You should exactly know which posts on Facebook and Instagram are generating the most engagement. Once you get to know which posts people resonate with the most, you can go ahead and create more of it. Maybe a certain headline formula that you use catches the reader’s attention or perhaps you notice that most of your popular Instagram photos all use the same filter. Look for any sort of similarities and patterns with your top social media posts & try to replicate it with future content.

Look for any sort of similarities and patterns with your top social media posts & try to replicate it with future content.

3. Learn the Most Effective Hashtags

Hashtags have basically become synonymous with social media. Hashtags are integrated into most of the well-known social media platform, therefore, it’s very important to track the hashtags that you’re using. Generally, in most social media sites Hashtags serve three main purposes:

  • Make your posts more discoverable.
  • Brand your company or specific campaigns.
  • Categorize content.

Sometimes you’ll be able to notice a correlation between some of your most popular hashtags and your best performing posts. By using the right hashtags on Instagram you’ll be able to instantly expand your content’s reach. By using Sprout’s Instagram reports, you can find your most engaged hashtags easily.

Social Media Measurement

4. Make Your Team More Efficient

Support teams for email and phone customers are normally evaluated on metrics like their response time and rate. In the current trend, more and more consumers are using social media to look for customer support and voice their complaints, you’ll also have to measure your social customer service.

A report from SalesForce Marketing Cloud says that about 83% of customers love or like when any business responds to them on social media.

If any type of support is offered by your business through social media, you will need a tool that will allow you to quantify your team’s engagement. It’s a good idea to measure your team’s performance by setting benchmarks and goals. This will give you a starting point to improve upon.

5. Calculate Social Media ROI

One of the main benefits of social media measurement is calculating your R.O.I. If you aren’t a data-driven person, this may not look like a very enjoyable task. Nevertheless, it isn’t as difficult as it looks. It involves figuring out the amount of money you’re spending on social media marketing, and calculating what you’re getting in return from your efforts. This metric is pretty important because it does something many brands believe is impossible. What it does is that it puts a monetary value on social media marketing?

social media roi

6. Create A Better Strategy

Social media measurement helps businesses make better decisions. Once you get to know what works and what doesn’t, moving forward you’ll be able to make changes to improve your strategy.

Your first agenda should be to develop a clear and concise social media strategy. Write down whatever plan comes to your mind instead of just brainstorming. It should include goals and milestones which you want to accomplish. Review these periodically to see if you are on course. If it looks like you may not meet your goals, just look through all of your data, and make all the necessary adjustments.

Social media measurement helps businesses make better decisions. Once you get to know what works and what doesn’t, moving forward you’ll be able to make changes to improve your strategy.

Your first agenda should be to develop a clear and concise social media strategy. Write down whatever plan comes to your mind instead of just brainstorming. It should include goals and milestones which you want to accomplish. Review these periodically to see if you are on course. If it looks like you may not meet your goals, just look through all of your data, and make all the necessary adjustments.

7. Connect With Influencers

The perfect platform to connect with influencers in the present age is Social Media! Most brands start their outreach campaigns by identifying the influencers who they have never connected with before. You should definitely plan to build relationships with people like these. But wait, what if you could identify users that already share your content quickly?

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