Spinta Digital

4 KPIs You Should Care About to Ace Your Inbound Marketing!

Inbound Marketing is inarguably one of the best strategic approaches to creating, nurturing, and sustaining long-term relationships with your customers. Inbound marketing is a core part of your digital marketing strategy that has to do with harnessing the power of content in the best possible way to creatively cater to the needs of your audience.

It is not just about sales, it is about providing information that is of value to your customer and in doing so, enabling the customers to associate your band with value and a fulfilling sense of connection.

Compelling content can come in various forms- blogs, e-books, infographics, webinars, social media posts, and whitepapers. The variance associated with inbound marketing is what makes it equal parts exciting and challenging, for measuring the effectiveness of inbound marketing can prove to be a rather tricky process.

While you can deploy crafty strategies and your finite resources to fashion and execute the best inbound marketing strategy, the objective measure of its effectiveness is determined by the key performance indicators/ metrics that you use to measure the success of your process!

Now, be it inbound marketing for e-commerce or inbound marketing for tech, the digital marketing KPIs tend to remain similar! However, when it comes to KPIs, they can be endless, and we mean endless- lead generation, website traffic, SEO, paid advertising, social media engagement, and tracking- and we haven’t even scratched the surface!

But worry not! This is where we come in as your super helpful inbound marketing consultants. As people who know a thing or two about inbound marketing consulting, we have put together this handy blog that will help you identify your four KPIs that will make or break your inbound marketing success!

KPI #1- Organic traffic is better than the best!

At its core, inbound marketing is about putting out helpful content that is aligned with your target audience’s needs.

By letting the  relevant content speak to your target audience, your digital marketing campaigns stand a chance to be optimized for the way your customers search, thus, enabling your sales team to draw them in as qualified leads. It is simple-

The higher the organic traffic, the more the chances of your customers relating to your content, and finding value in consuming the same.

 This is handy because higher organic traffic will mean that you will be placed ahead of your competition’s search rankings- thus, reaping your marketing team’s efforts while also building confidence in your customers.

KPI #2- Track your social media channels!

While social media platforms are amazing for discovering and engaging with new customers and sustaining relationships with old customers, investing your time and effort in every social media platform is not prudent.

Depending on which social media platform accords you the maximum reach and engagement, it makes sense to be able to disseminate content via those particular channels. These two facets help you understand what your audience wants to consume, and what they’re more likely to engage with- depending on which, you can tweak your content strategy to align with what they’re eager to consume.

It is a known fact that social media is one of the most effective and cheapest ways to acquire customers, thus, posing an advantage when it comes to optimizing your customer acquisition cost by reducing your cost per acquisition.

KPI #3- Check on your conversion rate!

The conversion rate is a super relevant KPI tied to your inbound marketing efforts! It is the percentage of people who add value to your business by completing a desired action. Now, the action can look like anything- it can be downloading a simple e-book, subscribing to your newsletter, clicking over to your site from an ad or filling up a lead form, etc.  You can measure conversion rates from various traffic sources!

In order to truly figure out what conversion rate matters to your business, it is important to be able to establish which actions and their associated conversations carry what level of gravity in the larger inbound marketing strategy!

Once that is established, those specific conversions can be tracked and optimized to sustain future marketing efforts over various time periods.

KPI #4- Measure your ROI obsessively!

Your ROI is super important because it tells you how much you’re making compared to how much you spend on your inbound marketing campaign(s). This is one of the best ways to utilize your marketing budget to its maximum!

It is one of the most selling inbound marketing metrics that exist; it tells you how your efforts are paying off, and when you might be detracting from your larger goals if your bets are not performing as they should be in order to fetch justifiable returns.

If you have a good ROI percentage, then you know that you’re making more than you spend! This can be instrumental in ensuring that you hit your marketing goals, thus, improving the experience of your brand drastically for a typical customer.

These digital marketing KPIs will enable you to understand the direction of your marketing activities and devise a sound marketing plan, thus helping you make informed decisions!

They will also let you know exactly how to tweak your marketing strategy by showing you exactly where your strategy can use some work, thus, helping you align seamlessly with the larger business goals!

At Spinta Digital, we understand the intricacies of inbound marketing and the metrics needed to measure its success. We can help you identify and track the KPIs that matter most to your business and develop a sound marketing plan to achieve your goals. Let’s work together to create compelling content and build lasting relationships with your customers. Contact us today to get started!

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