Spinta Digital

10 Ideas to Draft Engaging Messages for Potential Prospects

How frequently do we lean away from the marketing messages that we receive in our inbox? Many such words can be irrelevant, and callous, lacking a human touch. This is the main the reason most of these emails end up finding a comfortable place in the junk/trash folder.

Conversational writing is the heart of marketing content today.

When we speak of conversational writing, it is not to replicate the verbal communications into written words. Engaging content does not mean you write as you talk; instead, it means editing your content that doesn’t sound like writing!

With new messaging ideas being used every day, why to stick with the old?

Here are 10 ideas that help you draft an engaging message to your potential prospect.

Relieve them of their pain points

Pay attention to what the prospects look for, it helps in stimulating demand. Products and services with a higher order gain faster recognition than the ones that have less/no demands. Messages that communicate on being a “problem solver” gain more B2B lead generation and have a higher chance of getting noticed by potential prospects.

What can you do? Stake a claim of the needs and interests of the prospects while sending out messages.

Aim at your target audience

Refrain from writing to everyone. Marketing messages that fail to reach a target audience are trash. If a vegetarian person receives a direct message about the newest non-vegetarian restaurant in town, it won’t serve any purpose.

What can you do? Research thoroughly, define your target audience first and then draft a relevant message that adheres to their interest.

Evade writing to impress

Jargon stuffed content is out, easy and simple is in! Make sure to convey messages in a way that is neither boring nor confusing. A natural, conversational style; one that “speaks to you” is something that will attract the attention of the clients and would make them want to know the business more.

What can you do? Draft messages that can keep you engaged with your prospects and be of assistance in navigating their purchase journey.

Use headlines and subtitles

Use of appropriate captions and subtitles navigate the prospect’s attention to the targeted message of interest. Headlines and subheadings generate a variation in the presentation of data that registers in a brain quicker. In case the prospect wishes to return to a piece of information, these headlines and
subtitles turn out to be useful.

What can you do? Use headlines like “How to meditate in easy steps”. Easy to understand and direct in its message.

Use an equal number of visuals

It is vital to draw a fair balance of written content and visual graphics. A favorable outcome can be seen when the prospect is neither overwhelmed with too many visuals nor bored with an essay load of material.

What can you do? Add a creative and informative infographic along with meaningful content.

Build a multi-channel funnel

Remember to use this useful lead generation technique along with lead nurturing. Aim to establish an active messaging campaign that can open opportunities for social selling as well. Transparency is vital to lead the prospects into understanding what the business is all about. Showcase reliability by allowing them to witness the social media progress.

What can you do? A company’s social media connections are it’s real-time endorsements. Showcase them through emails.

Include marketing hooks

Offer information as an incentive to establish contact. An example for the same can be – “come visit our store today and avail a 10% discount with this coupon code” or “download this recipe and grab a free snack with your meal at our cafe today!”

What can you do? Giveaways create a sense of generosity and a channel to experience the service or product at a discounted price.

Gain trust through your messages

The core element of persuasion can only lead by evoking confidence. Businesses that evoke a sense of faith in the way they communicate have a higher chance of persuading and engaging the reader than ones who choose to woo only through the fancy copywriting process.

What can you do? A recommendation from a previously loyal customer can be a significant influence on the prospects as they get a direct opinion of the same.

Create a collaborative conversation

Extend your outreach with marketing messages that help in reaching out to your prospects in a better way. This results in an added spoonful of brand personality into the messages leading to the potential client’s attention to witness the real benefits of your product or service. Incorporating a LinkedIn marketing profile can be advantageous as it leads to showcasing ample proof of the professional gains by the company.

What can you do? Navigate your prospective clients journey to collaborate with your goals by giving them the option to follow.

Call to action button

Creative yet strategically placed social media icons with links, contact information, and addresses in these messages allow the prospect to get in touch quickly and hassle-free.

What can you do? Provide adequate proof of the commitment to stay available in case of any enquiries or queries. Always keep communication open.

Stand out from the marketing media clutter by nurturing the marketing leads through strategic and engaging messaging. It will always be a marketer’s challenge to stand out in the jungle of marketing. However, following the above fundamentals can prove to be a definite breakthrough.

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