Fresh Out Of Ideas For Posts On Instagram? Here’s What You Can Do

You’ve hit a creative roadblock—it happens when you’re fresh out of ideas. Right now, you can’t think of what your next Instagram post should be, and we are here to help you with that!

Let’s admit it! All of us have been there, aimlessly scrolling through somebody’s feed and admiring it or trying to fetch something but not entirely satisfied with it.

You’re stuck, and you don’t know how to proceed. In order to maintain ‘pride’ for the ‘gram’, you need to post images that are interesting, appealing, and give you a good vibe.

Stuck in a rut?

Below are 8 points on how to get your Instagram feed looking lit:


Who doesn’t love a good meme? A good Meme would ensure you find the right customer base, and find people with the same likes, tastes, and preferences; as they would be able to relate to it. So, give your followers a chuckle and potentially gain new fans if it’s really funny.


You could have a cubicle or an open workspace, it’s alright. You could probably work from home as well. Show the audience from a particular angle; let it be minimalistic on how you proceed with your work. It’s alright if you have a messy desk. Share something real and relatable. Provide them with real life and behind the scenes kind of vibe.


This one is pretty easy! We all love a snuggly cat and a quirky dog. Find furry friends, take pictures of them, and watch your notifications blow up!


Well, this should come in handy. Post about a success story or a project that you’re extremely satisfied of. Post about the process, the various ideas, and the journey of completing that project. It would not only inspire other people, but it will provide some motivation and show other people that the firm is transparent about their hardships and successes. What’s stopping you now? Talk about how at the end of the tunnel, there’s light, and start inspiring!


Quotes are usually overdone, and the design tends to steal the thunder. The true intention behind the quote is overlooked. Find something that is relatable, less than 10 words, and motivational. Inspire them through a thought-provoking quote. It would definitely stand out from the rest. With respect to the design aspect, work with a designer and get custom images with consistent branding. Just keep in mind that a beautiful image with a text will help.


Post a story or about your favourite product at your firm. Tell customers the benefits, talk about what the product can do and help them if it’s bought. Speak about the benefits, unique selling points about the product. This would gain traction not only for your product but your brand and help get it recognised.


Well, lifestyle content doesn’t really have to be about a specific genre or category. When you think about it, it can be anything, from food to the beach, to sunset, or something else entirely.

Just ensure it goes with your brand, the identity of the brand, and the aesthetic concept of it syncs well with your feed. Keep in mind, post content with respect to your customer’s current taste, preferences, and interests.

For example, as a digital marketing agency, we would post content about how to enhance normal pictures. It wouldn’t make sense for us to post a picture of a cityscape now, would it? You should focus on sharing lifestyle content that relates to your brand and products.


Go right ahead! Be transparent! Share the sequence of events of how your firm began, its growth, your peak moments, and the small stories that would make a difference. It’s every small experience that makes a difference. Talk about the journey towards the destination. That’s what will attract your customers. Rejoice in the idea of small business. It’ll put you on the map, as it is one of the trending topics, let it be one of your stories, and show your audience what actually makes your business. Let it be fresh and different!

Spinta Digital Can Get You Instafying!

If you’re thinking of ways to up your social media game, look no further. The marketing whizzes at Spinta Digital have social media at their fingertips. Speak to one of them today!

You can hire the services of our digital marketing agency to assist you to get into the minds and hearts of your customers through social media. Our team of marketing and tech savvy experts will have ideas for you in a stipulated duration! Call us at +917010333863 to book a consultation.

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