Spinta Digital

The Ultimate Guide to Inbound Marketing Strategy for your E-commerce Business

Great! Now that you have decided to start an ecommerce business. Let’s get into the integrities to build your brand to greater heights.

While researching how to launch your e-commerce startup, you would have read about Inbound Marketing.

According to HubSpot, “Inbound Marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them.”

Inbound Marketing Strategy, Visitors, Leads, Customers, Promoting. Spinta Digital - Digital Marketing Agency, Chennai

So why should you need inbound marketing?

When you launch your online store, customer engagement is the key to make it run successfully. And to make this happen, inbound marketing is the key. Inbound marketing is not a one-time solution but a set of activities that are happening to make your profits as well as improve customer relations with past, present,and potential customers.

Now that you know why you need an inbound marketing strategy, it’s time to learn how to build one that fits your brand perfectly.

The 2-Step Approach to Create an Inbound Marketing Strategy

1. Create Buyer personas

The best way to understand the customer persona isto build the ideal customer who you can expect to buy your product/ service.

Define the ideal customer based on their demographic, behavior, interest, and lifestyle. To be more exact and clear define their: age, income, nationality, education, and technical ability.

Once you form your ideal customer, answer RFM(recency, frequency, and monetary) meaning- are they new customers, the frequency of their purchase, and how much willing to spend.

2. Define business goals and strategy

E-commerce businesses are set with a goal and avision. Defining the goal you want to achieve leads you a step closer to creating your inbound marketing strategy. Strategies based on a clear goal are easier to achieve and to implement. Usually, e-commerce entrepreneurs focus on financial growth and are other Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

Few of the KPIs for e-commerce businesses are:

  • Website Traffic
  • Online revenue
  • Conversion rate
  • Customer value
  • Average order value

Business objectives based on the above KPIs will help you align your strategies to the customer’s needs and wants.

A good inbound marketing strategy is built on the buyer persona and brand goals.

The Top 5 Strategies used by inbound marketing experts.

Strategy 1: Search Engine optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is very crucial for any kind of business that wants to exist on online platforms. Many key strategies within SEO are important to increase your visibility and awareness organically.

The URL of the main page and every product page should be unique. The URL should be optimized and should refer to the product/service name or keywords. Take a look at the URL of this current blog,doesn’t this help you identify the blog.

The Ultimate guide to Inbound Marketing Strategy for E-commerce Business. Spinta Digital - Digital Marketing Agency, Chennai

Along with the URL, the page should also have a corresponding page tag, The page tag is usually 50-60 words. The page tag consists of product name, category, and website name.

Don’t forget to add the meta description, this is the description of the page and it includes your target keywords. Make sure the description is within 300 characters, if not the remaining text will get cut.

Following these basic SEO strategies helps in yourbrand visibility and increase sales organically. SEO is a huge subject on its own, so we have selected the basic SEO tactics to work on at the initial stage of building your e-commerce brand.

Strategy 2: Social Media

Social Media Marketing. Spinta Digital - Digital Marketing Agency, Chennai

Social media has become an integral part of inbound marketing. No strategy does not include social media platforms. Keeping your e-commerce brand live on these platforms helps in increasing your brand visibility and awareness.

Many brands have developed from just focusing on social media and social selling. Instagram has become a marketing platform,with influencers willing to market your product and interact with your customers.

Placing social buttons on your website, helps customers share their experience and understand the goal of your brand.

Each brand is unique and has their own voice/style. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok help you display your brand the way you want it to be perceived.

Find your voice and social media is the place to be.

Strategy 3: User-generated content

An Ecommerce brand is successful the minute your clients become the spokesperson of your brand. Reviews and ratings on your website help with your SEO ranking and it attracts customers as they fell more comfortable getting feedback from previous purchase owners. It also shows geniality and confidence in your brand to provide the best.

If you haven’t been doing this start now.Testimonials, reviews, and reviews significantly increase your website traffic and conversion rate.

Strategy 4: Email Marketing

Email Marketing. Spinta Digital - Digital Marketing Agency, Chennai

Email marketing is a strategy that is used without any question or doubt. As the word suggests email marketing, is marketing and connecting with your existing database.

Email marketing has increased traffic and improved the return of customers. It also creates a sense of loyalty when informed about updates and new arrivals.

Creating an email sequence helps in converting potential clients into actual buying customers.

There are many marketing automation platforms like Mailchimp, Active campaign that helps in creating email sequences and sending emails to your client list.

Strategy 5: Customer recovery- Abandoned cart

Once you enter the e-commerce scene, you would have heard about the abandoned cart. Like the word suggests making a move as soon as possible to avoid abandoning that customer.

Solve, the problem by using marketing automation and setting an abandoned cart email workflow.

The strategy for this set of emails is to re-engage the customer and tempt them to return to the website to complete their purchase. The email should offer them special limited offers and discounts.

Once you can damage control abandoned carts, your ability to re-engage your customers and conversion rate skyrockets!


To start an Ecommerce Business one has to build the brand from scratch. Thus, inbound marketing helps unsure and confused entrepreneurs the step towards a successful business. These mentioned tips are tried and tested methods, that work for every business.

Still need help in preparing your inbound marketing strategy, Contact us at Spinta Digital and book your meeting to success today!

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