SEO Ranking: 5 unique ways to maintain it

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After months and months of hard-work, you notice your SEO ranking has finally improved, yet, you are afraid that this might just be ephemeral? Well, yes! That’s the bitter truth.

“SEO rankings of a site are way too grounded in the way you treat it”

SEO rankings are like guests who visit your home. As in, the more hospitable you are, the more they are inclined to treat you with respect and maintain a cordial relationship. Therefore, it’s just not important to simply establish your SEO ranking but to maintain it too. Thus, we at Spinta Digital, digital marketing agency based in Chennai explain to you 5 unique ways to help you maintain it – in other words, let’s learn shower some hospitality to Google!

1. Constant Updates

Unfortunately, not many companies/brands realize that Google actually pays attention to both your content quality and your content’s freshness! Therefore, many fail to recognize the importance of updating existing content and with digital marketing, we help you understand better the importance of this. This means, the longer your content remains untouched, the lesser fresh it becomes. Therefore, Google declines its inclination towards your content! After all, if your guests are being served with uncooked, undernourished food – do you really think they would be interested in being friends with you? Likewise, Google has a problem with your hospitality too!

2. Optimize Your Site To Increase Loading Speed

Hah! This is quite intuitive. Let take for instance that you have been working really hard to cook the best meal possible for your guests. You end up researching numerous recipes and come up with dishes that you are sure your guest would love to hog. Yet, you fail to serve it on time! You’ve indulged too much in your cooking that you fail to acknowledge your guests who are awaiting your presence! Therefore, your guests find you inhospitable and decide to leave. This, my friend, is exactly what bounce rate is all about. Your guest are your site visitors, your recipe is your website, your failure to serve on time is “minimal loading speed” and your guests leaving is your bounce rate!

The importance of optimizing your website is far more crucial than you could think off. It’s a mandatory procedure as Google takes into account your websites loading speed. Furthermore, a unique user’s attention span is closely between 4-5 seconds and if you are not going to make an impression within these few seconds then your efforts are in vain! Thus, it’s mandatory that you take some time to optimize your images and make your content crisp and to the point! This is not all though, you can try these ways to make your site load speed fast too! Having a proper digital marketing strategy will help you prioritize and optimize your website with the below-mentioned points

  • Switch to a faster and a much more reliable hosting service!
  • Image compression.
  • Making use of CDN to increase the speed of downloads.
  • Crisp concise content (in the head slider!) to keep your users attentive enough till the page is loaded.

3. Backlinks

All right. This is a bit tricky to explain using our standard example but let me give it a shot. Often marketers fail to realise that backlinks are an important means of maintaining your SEO Ranking.

At Spinta Digital, we will explain it to you better….

Imagine your guests have already heard about your reputation for preparing mouth-watering dishes through mutual sources? Isn’t that going to make your comfort level easier? That’s precisely what backlinks are all about! You create a niche for your users who visit you. You build a reputation by sharing amazing things about your site in other platforms/sources. This leaves users with a curiosity to visit your site.

Thus, when they are welcomed to your site from other sources, your site’s ranking is increased. In fact, Google has the habit of ranking a website based on what other sites think about you. In such cases, a proper digital marketing strategy will enable and guide you in backlinking relevant platforms.  So when a conventionally popular, high-ranked website is giving you credit for your expertise – Google is impressed!

4. Outbound & Inbound Links

This interesting counter-intuitive theory is an extremely important funda, just like that of backlinks.

Let me move back to my classic example to explain further!

You are hell bent in providing a hospitable environment to your guest and to make them feel at home. But, do you really think cooking is the only way to make them comfortable and feel at ease? No, right? True hospitality lies in the way you greet them, you talk to them, and in the way you value them – thus, your house, your environment, your greetings everything matters. Link building is quite similar too. You don’t just bombard your guest with a colorful, crisp, fast-loading site but you show them that your site is hospitable and capable of their time in all aspects. You take the time to not rank just one keyword – like “cooking” but for all keywords – like “home”, “environment”, “greetings” etc. Get the point?

To maintain keyword ranking for all favourable keywords, your inbound links ought to be increased too. This means you ought to take your user around to different pages of your site by cross-linking them. It is important to do this cross-linking and keyword suggestion with the guide of a digital marketing expertise or digital consultancy for maximum results. This can be explained more on lines of showing your home to your guests. You take them around, show your hall, kitchen, dining, bedrooms and your porch…Get what I mean? That’s what you do with your site too! YOU TAKE THEM AROUND.

Similarly, you give credit to some information with outbound links! Since the whole digital world is built on sharing and co-sharing data, it’s crucial to credit those from whom you took the data from! I mean, if you have a beautiful wall painting that just highlights your living room and your guests are super impressed with it – you go ahead, explain the painting to them and tell them where you purchased it from! That’s precisely what outbound links are too – to give credits. Google values honesty, my friend!

5. Social Media

In the Digital Marketing field, the impact of social media to influence your SEO Ranking is still something of an ambiguity. Many social brands (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) have a higher rate to build authority with Google.

Hmmm, let’s say this is quite similar to the lines where your in-laws speak proudly about your hospitality to your guests! A guarded statement, a trust that has been built and nourished for a long period of time, but, when spoken aloud means a lot – that’s precisely the kind of authority social media has on your reputation too!

With the digital marketing services of Spinta Digital, it is easy to optimize and build brand authority with the various social media platforms available. Below are few quick tips on using Social Media

  • Make profuse use of social media buttons! Be it your blog, main page, email newsletters etc., always ensure that an option to share on social media exists!
  • Engage users on your social media pages. Set up interesting campaigns with a deliberate call to actions!
  • Offer something “free”! It’s the best and most lucrative source of organic traffic.

In Closure

Maintaining SEO Ranking is comprehensively a long term process. It requires time, patience and more than everything else it requires constantly hospitality towards Google! It is important to have guidance from a professional well-versed in the field. At Spinta Digital, leading digital marketing and technology company based in Chennai, we are a team of professionals with an expertise in the field of digital marketing offering standard SEO and digital services.

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