Vlog: On Page SEO Checklist For Your Website

An on page SEO checklist plays a vital role in helping your website rank well on Google’s search engine.

An imperative process, online SEO has become an ideal strategy to help in better search rankings and implementing effective internet marketing campaigns.

As we all know, search engines like Google consider more than 200 different parameters to filter the websites towards their search engine rankings. Therefore, intersecting your objectives with an on-page SEO checklist and monitoring your website’s ranking is extremely important.

Our video below gives a highlight on the on page SEO checklist that brands/business must follow for their website.

Looking to improve your search rate? We have drawn out 5 main aspects of an on page SEO checklist for discussion. Take a look.

High-Quality Content

The value and importance that a high-quality content adds to SEO cannot be overemphasized. The content should, therefore, be original, preferably checked by copyscape, should have descriptive text, should also preferably be first published on the concerned website with references and backlinks. The better the content quality, the lesser it depends on SEO for a better audience and that’s always a good thing.

Include Page Headers and SubHeaders

A page header is the most prominent text you can find on a web page. A header is an introductory text that highlights the goal of your web page.

A header is prominent for the two most important reasons:

  1. It matches a user’s search query.
  2. It highlights why a user should check your website.

Sub-headers, on the other hand, are used to complement your header content. They are like a sub-text, that stands to describe what your header focuses at.

Internal Links

Providing internal links on your web page is extremely important in ensuring that your SEO strategy is optimized since it works towards maximizing the time spent by individual visitors on the site and also since they will be guided to other related pages on the website.

It also serves towards informing the search engines that there are other pages on the site and can also possibly advise them on the hierarchy of the pages in terms of importance or popularity.

Having said this, it is also important that the internal links don’t seem like a desperate attempt by the website to retain visitors on the site. Internal links should be tastefully and strategically located on the page, should relate to the content at hand and must not be more than 6-8 per page.

Maximize The Potential Of A Good URL

The structure of the page URL is becoming a more and more important part of an on-page SEO checklist.

A website’s URL should be designed with a view to optimizing the search worthiness of a site. An optimized URL should be less than 255 characters and separated by hyphens for the different parts. The pages should also be grouped into distinct categories for easier and effective navigation.

The option of a ‘user sitemap’ must be there in the main menu to make it easier for the user to browse for relevant information in a quick turnaround time.

Optimize The Word Count On A Page

The word count on a page can also impact the overall on page SEO. If one is trying to effect keyword optimization, there should be a minimum of 450 -500 words on each page and should pertain directly to the subject. This is not to say that in order to

If one is trying to effect keyword optimization, there should be a minimum of 450 -500 words on each page and should pertain directly to the subject. This is not to say that in order to maximize the word count, the content could be compromised somehow. Actually, low quality or duplicate content is liable to be penalized; affecting the SEO

Actually, low quality or duplicate content is liable to be penalized; affecting the SEO adversely. The images on the page must also be described properly with text (alt text).

Page Formatting

Page formatting, that includes titles, description, major headings and images must be formatted in an SEO friendly way. Each page must have a unique and engaging title that will help the search engines as well as the potential visitors to understand what is the usability of the page, the page description that the web search page displays should be descriptive and keyword rich since it is a mouthpiece of the page itself.

The formatting itself should be thoughtfully and artistically carried out with proper headings, subheadings, use of bold, italics etc to draw attention at proper keywords. Images, if used should be original, or reference declared, size optimized and relevant to the content directly.

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