Spinta Digital

How to Write The Most Creative Social Media Posts?

In the previous blogs, we covered how to begin a social media marketing strategy for small businesses and we also delved into the basics of social media advertising. However, there might be one single question that boggles your mind. We can hear you thinking, “okay, now I know how to come up with a strategy and the platforms I want to create content on. But how do I write one?”

In case your first thought was that it should be easy to create content for social media you’ve been using the same for more than a decade now. Should be a piece of cake, right? However, writing the right copy to attract your audience from a business perspective can be a little tricky.

There is a huge difference between writing on your social media feed and writing from a business standpoint. It needs to create a meaningful impact on the brand’s perceived authority with the potential to reach new customers.

With almost more than half the world on social media today, a marketing strategy on social media has a lot of potential to bring in quality leads, improve brand awareness, and create tangible conversion opportunities.

While it seems a bit simple on paper, each social media platform has its tips, tricks, algorithms and best practices. For instance, a content piece that goes viral on Instagram need not necessarily garner the same traction on say, LinkedIn or Twitter. So, in case you’ve been repurposing the same content and tailoring it to fit all the social media platforms, you definitely need to revisit your social media strategy.

But worry not, here in this blog, we are about to share some of the best tips and tricks out there so your content performs great irrespective of the platform that it gets posted on.

So, How Do You Create Social Media Posts That Are Foolproof?

We come bearing good news. The good news is that you really don’t have to rely entirely on the trial and error method to zero down on your content strategy. Because a lot of people have already experimented with it and they’ve laid down a solid foundation for you to follow suit.

That being said, it is still extremely crucial for you to monitor your social media analytics to see which posts your audience engages the most with. However, as far as coming with an already existent formula, there’s no reason for you to reinvent the wheel.

Let’s get started with the fool-proof content tips and tricks pertaining to each social media platform.

How To Create Likeable and Shareable Content For Facebook?

When you hear the term “social media,” your mind immediately links it to Facebook, and quite naturally so, it’s the No. #1 social media platform. However, it should be kept in mind that since the platform deals with multiple types of media formats, a one-and-done formula may not necessarily work for Facebook. You should try different posting techniques in line with the goals that you’re trying to accomplish.

So, here are a few guidelines that you can follow to achieve phenomenal success on Facebook:

  • Videos are the highest performing content on Facebook: That being said, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you focus only on video-based content. Facebook campaigns are the most effective when you have a mix of photos, infographics, text, GIFs, blog posts, PR articles, etc.
  • Restrict your description between 40-80 characters: As a rule of thumb, shorter posts perform better on social media than longer ones do.
  • End your posts with an open-ended question: Instead of being imperative, people love interacting with brands that need their opinion. It may be difficult to grab their attention on your first try, but once you do it as a regular practice, eventually, they’ll start engaging and interacting with your brand.
  • Post Content Even If It Doesn’t Relate With Your Brand: The thing about people on Facebook is that they have a very limited tolerance level for brands that keep self-promoting. So, while building good brand awareness is important, once in a while, it is okay to steer away from a little, but make sure that you stick to your niche while picking your topics.
  • Visually aesthetic content goes a long way: People tend to simply skim through texts and scroll past without actually having an interaction.  But, peppering some dynamic visuals make them stop and read what’s being said. So, even if you want to convey something that’s strictly text, it is advisable to make a simple yet effective design for better reach.
How to Write Irresistible Tweets On Twitter?

If you want to establish your brand’s authority on Twitter, you need to articulate with many sharp and concise words to convey your message within the restricted space. While it is easier said than done, once you set the ball rolling, your tweets are sure to take off to a new high.

While posting on Twitter, take these actionable steps into account:

  •  Get to the point straight away: Your audience on Twitter is already consuming a humongous chunk of content. So, to grab their attention, you must put the most important information of what you want to convey at the beginning of your tweet.
  • Keep your tweets’ length to 240+ characters: Before 2017, Twitter had restricted its character limit to 140 characters, and post its length revision to 280 characters, people have come to appreciate the extra space they have to express themselves. And in case you need more space to convey what you want to say, it is a good idea to create a thread. Also, another pro-tip is in case you want to share your blog, you can leverage simple tools like Bitly to shorten your link while posting it to further maximize your space.
  • Restrict your hashtags: While capitalizing on trending hashtags make your tweets reach a wider audience base, overusing hashtags might make your actual content take the backseat. So, it is advisable to retain the meat of your content while using 2-3 relevant hashtags to go with your tweet.
How To Post Engaging Content on Instagram?

It is common knowledge that Instagram is a visual-rich medium. However, that being said, no matter how creatively you design your posts, equal importance must be placed on writing the captions, too. And especially if you want to garner great traction and interaction on your posts, your choice of words plays a major role.

Begin with a hook: Instagram is more lenient than Twitter when it comes to the space that you have for your post descriptions. It has a 2,200 character limit, but it is also important to be mindful that no matter how big your captions are, it does get truncated to 125 characters. So, you need to be extra careful when writing those first few sentences, because it needs to be enticing enough for your audience to click on “Read more.”

Leverage Emojis: Who would’ve thought that capitalizing on emojis could be one of the pro tips. But surprisingly enough, a post with an emoji has proven to be phenomenally effective on Instagram.

Create Your Hashtag Mix: On Instagram, you are allowed to use a maximum of 30 hashtags. However, a rookie mistake here would be to copy and paste all the trending hashtags even though it isn’t even remotely related to your brand. So, it would be a good rule of thumb to create your hashtag mix. You can dabble between a few more popular, generic hashtags and also include niche-specific hashtags and branded hashtags.

How To Write Better Performing LinkedIn Posts?

The most common mistake that beginners make is to treat LinkedIn as Facebook’s twin. While the similarities in the interfaces are uncanny, the type of content that the audience on the platforms expects is quite different.

LinkedIn is mostly used by business professionals and brands and brands to share industry insights, company news, and updates. So, resharing a prank video that went viral on Facebook here might not be a great fit with LinkedIn’s audience.

What to Post?
  • Go For Long-Form Content: The audience on LinkedIn is constantly looking out for industry insights and information that’s worth spending time on. So, you can go the whole nine yards in exploring long-form content without any hesitation of your content being skipped. Because unlike Facebook or other social platforms, the audience here wants information. Go ahead and share your two cents on topics of your niche, and you’ve got yourself a loyal following.
  • Make Sure You Add The Right Hashtags: While hashtags reign supreme on Instagram and Twitter, LinkedIn is somewhere in the middle. So, don’t go overboard with your hashtags, just add some relevant ones in moderation, and preferably at the end of your post.
  • Create your brand’s stamp for all the content that you share: Brands and professionals on the platform are more likely to share studies, research, infographics, statistics and industry updates. So, when you are posting content on LinkedIn, make sure that you have your brand’s signature stamped on your creatives, so you get the credit when your content gets shared. 

So, there you have it! Your very own cheat sheet for creating impeccable content across different social media platforms. Try these and let us know how it worked out for you.

In case you face any difficulties in creating your posts, get in touch with our experts at Spinta Digital today!

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