Spinta Digital

Everything you must know about Shopify Email marketing

Shopify Email marketing

As a small business owner, we know you have limited time and money to market your business. Email marketing can help you get leads and build your firm while juggling product-related chores.

With email marketing, you can boost ROI and drive sales for your Shopify brand. Email marketing helps you personalize engagement, build customer relationships, and optimize your strategy for success.

Since 1978, when the first commercial email was sent, email marketing has been profitable. It has helped advertisers interact with their audience, nurture consumer relationships, and generate leads for years. Shopify brands especially value email marketing.

Email has 4 billion users and is growing. These numbers demonstrate that Shopify email marketing’s potential is greater than anticipated.

However, email marketing for small firms can be complicated. It entails increasing your email list, nurturing leads, defining a strategy, and choosing an ESP.

In our blog, we give you the information and methods you need to jump-start your email marketing efforts and achieve considerable growth for your small business. We go through subjects including growing your email list, creating great email content, and choosing the right ESP for your purposes. We help you overcome time and financial constraints and maximize email marketing.

Email marketing is a powerful tool for SMB and SME owners to promote and sell their products or services. Let’s take a deep dive into its benefits:

Building an Effective Email List: By using tactics like pop-up forms, lead magnets, and incentives, you can encourage visitors to subscribe to your email list. A quality email list allows you to reach a targeted audience that has shown interest in your business.

Crafting Engaging Welcome Emails: Welcome emails create a positive first impression and set the tone for customer relationships. Personalize these emails with a warm greeting, express gratitude, and provide relevant information about your brand and exclusive offers. Interactive elements can enhance engagement and encourage recipients to explore your store.

Segmentation and personalization: Divide your email list into specific groups based on demographics, purchase history, or engagement level. By delivering tailored content and recommendations, you can increase open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Email marketing automation tools help trigger emails based on customer actions, making the messages more relevant.

Abandoned Cart Recovery: Send automated emails to remind customers about their abandoned carts and provide incentives to complete their purchase. Compelling subject lines, enticing visuals, and clear calls to action can help regain lost sales and improve conversion rates.

Building Loyalty with Post-Purchase Emails: Post-purchase emails express gratitude, gather feedback, and encourage repeat business. Sending order confirmations, shipping notifications, and follow-up emails enhances the customer experience. Include personalized product recommendations and exclusive offers to build loyalty and increase customer lifetime value.

Email Newsletter Campaigns: Newsletters engage your audience by sharing valuable content, industry insights, expert tips, and promoting new products or offers. Consistency in newsletter scheduling establishes subscriber expectations and helps foster a loyal customer base.

Email marketing strategies that stand out in the inbox

From segmenting your email list to creating quality content, you can land in people’s inboxes, win clicks, and grow your email list organically.

1. Build your email list with Shopify email campaigns.

Start by growing your email list—without it, you cannot generate revenue. Building an email list takes time, but it can become a key communication channel.

So, what’s the best way to beef up your email sign-up numbers and expand your subscriber base?

The secret to boosting your email list lies in creating quality content as a lead magnet. Through shopify email campaigns, you can attract huge traffic offering them valuable content—in the form of articles, videos, blogs, and how-to guides—that solves your target audience’s pain points.

2. Keep customers in the loop with email marketing automation

Email Marketing Automation is critical for optimizing your email marketing strategy and retaining customers. According to statistics, automated email campaigns can result in a 15% increase in unique clicks from mobile users. Personalizing the buyer’s journey is made easier with email marketing automation. To avoid spam complaints, choose the right frequency of emails.

For businesses with fewer than 20,000 subscribers, investing in automated and triggered flows with limited weekly shopify email campaigns can be beneficial. For larger brands, implementing robust segmentation and incorporating SMS capabilities may be more effective. Email marketing requires consistent touchpoints over months or years to be successful in raising brand awareness and driving purchases. Make sure your knowledge development ROI outperforms the impact of unsubscribes. Utilizing automated and triggered emails can help retain customers and engage dormant subscribers.

3. Target, segment, and personalize email lists

Customer segmentation divides your target audience by traits or engagements. You can get better outcomes with more personalized emails instead of a one-size-fits-all approach.

A conversion funnel lets you sort your audience by action.

For example, let’s say Maria had a pair of headphones in their cart, were about to check out, their Uber eats order arrived, and they abandoned your cart for ramen noodles. It happens.

What option do you think is more likely to generate a click?

 Email marketing automation- spinta digital

Begin with brand-engaged users.

Map your “mid-funnel”—users who have browsed product detail pages, added items to their carts, and begun the checkout process.

At the funnel’s end, keep a list of past clients and their last purchase date.

Email conversion funnel for Shopify

You can create more targeted ads for regular orders to increase their lifetime value.

4. Ensure your emails are mobile-friendly

To maximize the impact of your email marketing, prioritize mobile-friendliness. Responsive design and skimmable content are essential. Optimize subject lines and preheaders as they influence email open rates. Short, intriguing subject lines paired with engaging preheaders can make a difference. Including images and emojis can boost open rates by 56% and enhance customer engagement.

Keep emails concise and visually appealing. Prioritize white space, making it click-friendly for easy navigation. Deliver valuable content like how-tos, testimonials, and promotions. Testing emails across screen sizes is crucial, as responsive designs can increase unique clicks from mobile users by 15%. Effective segmentation further enhances results.

Shopify email marketing - spinta digital

5. Provide value, not sales pitches, with Shopify email marketing

A successful email marketing strategy for e-commerce extends beyond promotional content. Delivering value to readers is equally important. Share your brand story, as 77% of people buy from brands with shared values. Use emails to communicate your story and generate more clicks. Allbirds’ welcome email is a great example. Additionally, share valuable resources like behind-the-scenes views of your manufacturing process or knowledge-based blogs to demonstrate that you care about subscribers’ time and interests.

Here’s an example from Allbirds.

 Shopify email campaigns - spinta digital

6. Do your (email marketing) research

To create the best email marketing strategy for your Shopify store, conduct ample research and consider the following factors:

  • Industry CTR: Determine the ideal click-through rates and conversion rates for your industry to set benchmarks and measure your progress against competitors.
  • Open rates: Understand how likely your subscribers are to open your emails, providing a baseline to track improvement.
  • A/B testing: Test different elements of your emails, such as calls-to-action, graphics, subject lines, personalization, and content order, to identify the most effective combinations.
  • Email marketing platform: Choose a reliable email service provider that meets your marketing requirements and budget. Consider using Shopify email marketing apps like Klaviyo or MailChimp.
  • Compliance laws: Ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR and CAN-SPAM to meet legal responsibilities while shaping your email strategy.
  • Send times: Identify the optimal times of the day to send your emails, considering different regions if your business operates worldwide.

7. Analyze results & optimize  strategy

Analyzing and optimizing your email marketing strategy is crucial for long-term success. Track metrics such as open rates, bounce rates, return on investment, and trackable links to assess your performance and make informed decisions.

If your shopify email campaigns aren’t driving around 20% of revenue, there’s room for improvement. Use the data to iterate your strategy, focusing on tactics that yield positive results. Evaluate your campaigns against sales goals and revise your strategy accordingly to capitalize on your strengths. Remember to consider the costs of software and time spent on email creation when assessing return on investment.

Why is email marketing important for e-commerce businesses?

Email marketing is essential for e-commerce businesses on Shopify, offering personalized engagement and building ongoing customer relationships. With a higher ROI than most marketing channels, email is considered the highest-performing tactic by 64% of e-commerce brands. It acquires new customers, drives repeat orders, and maximizes profitability. Serving as a reliable source of engagement, email marketing spreads brand awareness and drives sales. By optimizing your strategy, you can accelerate Shopify business growth in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

In conclusion, implementing an effective email marketing strategy is a game-changer for Shopify businesses, allowing for personalized engagement, increased ROI, and accelerated growth. By leveraging the power of email, you can nurture customer relationships, drive sales, and establish a strong brand presence. Don’t miss out on this powerful marketing tool. Start optimizing your email marketing strategy today and watch your Shopify business thrive.

Need help with growing your shopify store with email marketing? No worries. Book a free consultation with us today, and we’ll help your business scale heights with just your email lists. Contact us today!

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