Spinta Digital

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends You Must Follow

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends

With every passing year, digital marketing trends have been consistently emerging from its predecessor. Likewise, this year too has marked a niche for its own set of top digital marketing trends that ought to be watched out for in 2017.

Spinta Digital’s group of inbound marketing experts have put together a well-researched group of latest trends that is making a mark the digital marketing sector this year.

Without further ado, take a look at our list!

Crispy Content

Since time immemorial, content speaks for all forms of advertising.

In 2017 too, without any preamble, its suffice to say that “content” still rules!! Be it a blog, copywriting content or even a social media ad for that matter – content is always the king.

A user’s attention span lasts for 8 seconds only! This means, a content writer should get your attention in less than 8 seconds!!

10X Content

Wondering what 10X content is all about? Well, it’s simple. According to Rand Fishkin of Moz, 10X content is defined as Content that is 10 times better than the best result that are currently found in the search result for a given phrase or topic!

Holistically, the idea of 10X content is to make your content unique, smarter and better than the rest that’s thriving out there! Technically this can be achieved, if and only if you interpret and understand what’s out there. Have a clear understanding of what you want to write & determine what’s missing from other articles that could be available in yours to make yours stand out!

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends - Spinta Digital

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