Spinta Digital @Phygital Retail Convention 2022
Phygital Retail Convention 2022 is centred around powering the transformation of India’s tryst with the retail ecosystem. With India’s success story hinging on the growth of regional markets, retail evolution is integral when it comes to creating, scaling and sustaining the economy of India.

More than 3000 delegates representing a plethora of brands were present, advocating for disrupting the retail industry by harnessing the power of new shifts in the industry.

Vinodh Ramakannan, CEO and founder- Spinta Digital shed light on a CEO’s guide in shaping technology that could power businesses in order to scale, grow and sustain in today’s dynamic world.
Take away:
The event saw the presence of iconic brands, retailers and e-commerce majors and C-Level professionals and decision makers from retail, shopping centres and retail support industry. Spinta Digital walked away having gotten multiple opportunities to engage in knowledge-sharing, networking and innovation.