Spinta Digital

Supplement Your Conversion Funnel With Email Marketing

Cold Emailing is not out of the woods yet, it’s evolving. It has become an integral part of a business strategy to stay on top in a competitive market. Your business needs new customers and you can’t just sit around day after day waiting for them to come to you. You need to identify your potential prospects, tell them you exist and get them to become your customers with your offerings.

Email Marketing is a great way to send your brand’s message across without seeming too pushy. It has to be relevant, and find solutions for your prospect’s biggest business challenges. This will make them get interested in what you’re offering. To attract people to your door, your cold emails should have a killer subject line, compelling body copy and a good signature.

Many find it difficult to draft the perfect email if they are sending it to potential prospects or clients. When you have hundreds of people reading your stuff, it can get intimidating to write a good email.

Here we are going to present a few engaging email templates that will actually generate leads and initiate conversions.

The Case Study

A lot of people in businesses love to read case studies. These emails are essentially educational storytellers that talk about a specific business or brand and how they benefited from your services using specifics like data projection and testimonials.

You may not have the time to get all your specifics in order. That’s no problem because you can write a case study e-mail about how Preetha, a mom with 3 kids, had entrepreneurial success with her business by investing her time on weekends and late nights to achieve good results with your expert advice and strategies.  This enables people to put more faith and confidence in your business and have the assurance that your offerings can work for them, too.

The FAQs

For your autoresponder emails, you can include common FAQs that gives you an opportunity to answer common questions about your products or services. In a FAQ mail, write down a common list of objections phrased like questions.


Question: “What if this product/service doesn’t work for me?”

Answer: Don’t worry, you’re always covered by our money-back guarantee!

Some other questions can include, “What kind of services do you offer?”, “Is there a discount for yearly service?”, “How do I sign up?”, and so on.

The best way to uncover doubts from your prospects and customers is to ask as many questions as you can, and then try to give them unprecedented advice on how they can solve that problem. This helps you uncover different approaches potential customers will respond to your marketing emails.

If customers and prospects tell you their issues and you give potential solutions, watch how they respond. Do they reply back saying “thanks”? Or do they just say “yeah, but….”? The way your customers reply to your emails are important for your sales pitches. This is why emails with FAQs can be really valuable in your conversion funnel.

Surveying your past customers is one good way to know why they chose you. Survey Monkey is a gold mine copywriting. You just have to copy people’s questions, answer them in the FAQ email and watch how your conversions grow.

Proven Content

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel with your autoresponder. Keep in mind that no matter how big your email is, when each person opens it, it’s just a one-to-one communication flow.

Always remember to email remarkable stuff that people would find interesting and enjoyable to read. You can send useful links, funny videos, tips, ideas or something really cool. Do the same with your autoresponder emails. This is called proven content.

Find something interesting on the internet and put that in your email. Go to sites like YouTube, Reddit, Digg for a truckload of awesome stuff.

With proven content, you literally just find an interesting link on the Internet that’s already proven to resonate with your audience and put it in your e-mail. Use search words that your audience can relate to. It’s better to have a broad perspective. For example, if your business sells golf equipment, search for beautiful photos of golf courses and post it. Pick a viral video that is related to the sport. The headline you click has already been validated by the virtue of its content and getting tonnes of likes and shares. You can use the headline as the subject line for your email.

You can also use proven content to sell physical products that people buy occasionally, like an office chair. The next time your prospect needs to buy an office chair, they will be more likely to search their inbox for the email you sent rather than search for the product on Google. You are actually “top of mind” and your drip marketing mail sequence has done its job.

The Blog Mailer

Your blog is the next big thing to valuable content. Chances are that your prospects will not have read your older articles, and a drip sequence will ensure that new prospects see a lot of the good stuff from your archives. Chances are, your prospects haven’t read your older articles, and a drip sequence ensures that new readers see the best stuff from your archives.

For the email, you can give a crisp intro that is followed by a link to your blog. Add some “teasers” to boost your click-through rate.

Video & Audio Content

There is arguably no faster way to connect with your email subscribers than to put a face and voice to your brand. Use the best videos in your autoresponder emails. You can write a quick intro and then add links to the video. The same applies for audio podcasts.

Quick Tips Email

Avoid writing long, encyclopedic content when sending out tips. Why is this important? Researcher Barry Schwartz gives a good example.

“If you offer people 26 flavours of jam, they are more susceptible to get overwhelmed and buy none of these flavours compared to just giving them an option strawberry and grape. There is this fear of “buyer’s remorse”, so people can’t make up their mind, freeze up and choose nothing.”

Pick just one interesting take away and write close to 200 words about why this one tip will work and how to get started. Your readers are more likely to implement your content and open your future emails as well.

The Parable

Telling a story is important for your conversion funnel. You can always write a lot of how-to information, but stories can never become boring for a reader. Your business can easily sell without seeming too pushy. Removing objections is imperative to getting sales and that’s where storytelling comes in.

Think about the No.1 reason why your prospects would not do business with you. It could be any of these listed below:

“The product/service is too expensive.”

“I don’t understand how this works.”

“I’d prefer competitor ABC.”

“It won’t work for me because _____.”

How do you remove objections? You overcome it indirectly with an interesting story. Here is an example:

You see a seven-year-old on a bike about to ride past you without wearing a helmet. What do you do?

Obviously, this kid should wear a helmet for safety. However, he/she wants to cool or maybe the helmet is not comfortable So, how will you persuade him/her to wear it?  Do you start lecturing?

There’s a better option by telling the kid a story.

Start off by telling the kid how you got a red bike as a birthday gift and the bad experience you had one day while riding it. Describe how you lost control, and how you got tossed over the handlebars when you tried braking over a pothole. Give some graphic illustrations on how you slammed your head against the sidewalk curb and the helmet cracked into pieces. Talk about how lucky you felt to walk away without much injury except a few scrappings on your knees and elbow.

This is when your “pitch” to make the kid wear his/her helmet isn’t just a message but a moral for the story. The same applies for emails.

You can use storytelling like blogs and case studies to remove doubts/objections, build trust and establish credibility without spamming prospects to death.

Live Training

A lot of companies have good reason to use webinars to convert prospects into paying customers. SaaS companies use this technique frequently. KISSmetrics maintains an archive of webinars that are used to drive potential prospects down their conversion funnel.

You can maximize click-through rates on your sales emails by:

Limiting registration with only a few seats – Induce scarcity and increase conversions by limiting the total number of people who can attend your training sessions. You will also be able to give more personalized attention to your attendees and answer their questions. This will enable your prospects to place some faith in what your offering and buy your product.

Outlining facts that attendees can learn – Webinars aren’t about 80% fluff and 20% pitch. You need to outline specific facts that attendees can learn if they attend your webinars. Choose topics like “How to strengthen your content marketing efforts using Instagram”, “Content automation tips,” etc.

If you need help with digital marketing, get in touch with Spinta Digital. Our inbound digital marketing company in Chennai will help you generate more leads, increase the flow of your conversion funnel, and win more customers through effective email marketing campaigns. Give us a call if you’d like our help. Contact us at +91 70103 33863.

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